Installation Tasks 2-27
Installation Tasks
•Zone set - A zone set is a group of zones that is activated or
deactivated as a single entity across all managed products in
either a single switch or a mul tiswitch fabric. Only one zone s et
can be active at one time.
The following naming conventions apply to zones and zone s ets:
• All names must be unique and may not differ by case only. For
example, zone-1 and Zone-1 are both valid individually, but are
not considered unique.
• The first character of a zone set name must be a letter
(A through Z or a through z).
• A zone set name cannot contain spaces.
• Valid characters are alphanumerics and the caret ( ^ ),
hyphen ( - ), underscore ( _ ), or dollar ( $ ) symbols.
• A zone set name can have a maximum of 64 characters.
To configure zones and zone sets, refer to the McDATA EFCM Basic
Edition User Manual (620-000240) for instructions.
Task 7: Connect Product to a Fabric Element (Optional)To provide fabric-attached Fibre channel connectivity for devices
connected to the product, connect the product to an expansion port
(E_Port) of a fabric element (switch or director). Any switch can be
used to form this ISL. To connect the product to a fabric element and
create an ISL:
1. Ensure the fabric element is accessible b y the EFCM Basic Edition
interface. If the fabric element must be defined, refer to the
appropriate switch or director installation manual for
2. Ensure the preferred domain ID for the product is unique and
does not conflict with the ID of another switch or director
participating in the fabric. Refer to Task 3: Configure Product at the
EFCM Basic Edition Interface.
3. Ensure R_A_TOV and E_D_TOV values for the product are
identical to the values for al l sw it che s or di r e ct ors par tic ip at i ng in
the fabric. Refer to Task 3: Configure Product at the EFCM Basic
Edition Interface.