Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-7
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
Go to step 7.
Inspect the management interface for communication link failure.
Observe a Page cannot be found, Unable to locate the server,
HTTP 404 - file not found, or similar message.
Was a failure indication observed?
Communication with the EFCM Basic Edi tion interface failed.
Go to MAP 0300: Loss of Browser PC Communication. Exit
Perform a data collection and contact the next level of s upp ort. Refer
to Collect Maintenance Data. Exit MAP.
Inspect product status at the management inte rface:
a. For the product reporting the problem:
EFCM Basic Edition - Select Hardware from the Product
menu at any view. The Hardware View displays.
OSI host console - Go to step 9.
b. Inspect the status symbol associated wit h t he product. A yellow
triangle (attention indicator) indicate s the product is operating in
degraded mode. A red diamond (failure indi c ator) indicates the
product is not operational.
c. Inspect simulated Fibre Channe l ports for a yellow triangle
(attention indicator) that overlays the F R U graphic.
d. Inspect simulated FRUs for a blinking red an d yellow diamond
(failed FRU indicator) that overlays th e F RU graphic.
Is a failure indicated?
A FRU failure, power-on self-test (POST) failure, link incident,
interswitch link (ISL) problem, fence d E _Port, or segmented
E_Port is indicated. To obtain event codes that identify the
failure, go to step 10.