Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-3
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
071 Switch is isolated. Go to MAP 0600.
072 E_Port connected to unsupported switch. Go to MAP 0600.
073 Fabric initialization error. Go to Collect Maintenance Data.
074 ILS frame delivery error threshold exceeded. Go to Collect Maintenance Data.
075 E_Port segmentation recovery. No action required.
080 Unauthorized worldwide name. Go to MAP 0500.
081 Invalid attachment. Go to MAP 0500
082 Port fenced. Go to MAP 0600.
083 Port set to inactive state. Go to MAP 0500
120 Error detected while processing system management command. Go to Collect Maintenance Data.
121 Zone set activation failed - zone set too large. Reduce size of zone set and retry.
140 Congestion detected on an ISL. Go to MAP 0600.
141 Congestion relieved on an ISL. No action required.
142 Low BB_Credit detected on an ISL. Go to MAP 0600.
143 Low BB_Credit relieved on an ISL. No ac tion required.
150 Fabric merge failure. Go to MAP 0600.
151 Fabric configuration failure. Go to Collect Maintenance Data.
300 Cooling fan propeller failed. Go to MAP 0400.
301 Cooling fan propeller failed. Go to MAP 0400.
302 Cooling fan propeller failed. Go to MAP 0400.
310 Cooling fan propeller recovered. No action required.
311 Cooling fan propeller recovered. No action required.
312 Cooling fan propeller recovered. No action required.
370 Cooling fan status polling temporarily disabled. Go to MAP 0400.
400 Power-up diagnostic failure. Go to MAP 0200.
Table3-3 Event Codes versus Maintenance Acti on (Continued)
Code Explanation Action