3-2 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
Quick StartTable 3-2 li sts and summarizes MAPs. Fault isolation normally begi ns
at MAP 0000: Start MAP.
Table 3-3 lists event codes, corresponding MAP references, and
provides a quick start guide if an event code is readily available.
Table 3-2 MAP Summary
MAP Page
MAP 0000: Start MAP 3-5
MAP 0100: Power Distribution Analysis 3-9
MAP 0200: POST Failure Analysis 3-10
MAP 0300: Loss of Browser PC Communication 3-11
MAP 0400: FRU Failure Analysis 3-14
MAP 0500: Port Failure or Link Incident Analysis 3-16
MAP 0600: Fabric or ISL Problem Analysis 3-27
Table 3-3 Event Codes versus Maintenance Action
Code Explanation Action
011 Login Server database invalid. Go to MAP 0600.
021 Name Server database invalid. Go to MAP 0600.
031 SNMP request received from unauthorized community. Add a community name.
051 Management Server database invalid. Go to MAP 0600.
061 Fabric Controller database invalid. Go to MAP 0600.
062 Maximum interswitch hop count exceeded. Go to MAP 0600.
063 Remote switch has too many ISLs. Go to MAP 0600.
064 ESS response from indicated domain ID not received after maximum
tries. No action required.
070 E_Port is segmented. Go to MAP 0600.