Installation Tasks 2-3
Installation Tasks
• Support is available for a browser-capable PC and I nternet
connectivity to support the product-resident EFCM Basic Edition
• Support equipment and technical personnel are available for the
• The required number and type of fiber-optic jumper cables are
delivered and available. Ensure cables are the correct length and
have the required connectors.
• A Fabricenter cabinet or customer-supplied 19-inch equipment
rack and associated hardware are available (optional).
• Remote workstations or simple network management protocol
(SNMP) workstations are available (opt ional). Workstations are
customer-supplied and connected through a public or dedicated
LAN segment.
Task 2: Unpack, Inspect, and Install the Produ ctThe following paragraphs provide instructions to unpack, inspe ct,
and install one or more switches. If the switch is delivered in a
Fabricenter equipment cabinet, go to Task 3: Configure Product at the
EFCM Basic Edition Interface.
Unpack and Inspect
Switch Unpack and inspect switch(es) as follows:
1. Inspect shipping container(s) for damage. If a container is
damaged, ensure a freight carrier representative is present when
the container is opened. Unpack shipping container(s) and
inspect each item for damage. Ens ur e pac kag ed i t ems co rr e spo n d
to items listed on the enclosed bill of materials.
2. If items are damaged or missing, contact the solution center:
Phone: (800) 752-4572 or (720) 558-3910
Fax: (720) 558-3851
E-mail: support@mcdata.com