1-10 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
General Information
Tools Supplied with the Product The following tools are suppli ed with the product:
•Door key - A door key with 5/16-inch socket (Figure1-3) is
required to open front and rear doors of the Fabricenter
Equipment Cabinet. A 5/16-inch socket wrench may al so b e used .
Figure1 -3 Door Key
•Loopback plug - A multimode (shortwave laser) or singlemode
(longwave laser) loopback plug (Figure1-4) is required to
perform port diagnostic tests. Loopback plugs are shipped with
the product, depending on the types of port transceivers installed.
Figure1 -4 Loopback Plug
•Fiber-optic protective plug - Fo r safety and port transceiv er
protection, fiber-optic protective plugs (Figure1-5) are inserted in
all product ports without fiber-optic cables attached. Products are
shipped with protective plugs ins talled.
Figure1 -5 Fiber-Optic Protective Plug