2-24 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
4. At the Windows Workstation menu, sequentially select the
Programs, Accessories, Communications, and HyperTerminal options.
The Connection Description dialog box displays (Figure 2-13).
Figure2-13 Connection Descript ion Dialog Box
5. Type a descriptive product name in the Name field and click OK.
The Connect To dialog box displays.
6. Ensure the Connect using field displays COM1 or COM2
(depending on the port connection to th e product), and click OK.
The COMn Properties dialog box displays, where n is 1 or 2.
7. Configure Port Settings parameters:
—Bits per second - 115200.
—Data bits - 8.
—Parity - None.
—Stop bits - 1.
—Flow control - Hardware or None.
Click OK. The New Connection - HyperTerminal window displays.