Event Code Tables A-1

Event Code Tables

An event is a state change, problem detection, or problem correction
that requires attention or should be rep orted to service personnel. An
event usually indicates an operational state transition, but may also
indicate an impending state c hange (threshold violation) or p rovide
information only. Events are reported as event codes. This app e ndi x
lists three-digit event codes. The codes are listed in numerical orde r
and tabular format as follows:
000 through 199 - system events.
300 through 399 - fan events.
400 through 499 - control processor (CTP) card events.
500 through 599 - port events.
800 through 899 - thermal sensor events.
Events are recorded in the Event Log at the Enterprise Fabric
Connectivity Manager (EFCM) Basic Edition interface. An event
illuminates the system error li ght- emitt ing dio de (LE D) at the pr oduct
front panel.
Tables in this appendix also provide a:
Message - a text string that describes the event.
Severity - a severity level that indicates event criticality as