3-22 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
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A connection is not allowed because of a switch binding or exchange
security attribute (ESA) feature mismatch. Switch binding parameters
must be compatible for both fabric elements. At the EFCM Basic
Edition interface, ensure switch binding is enabled, the connection
policy is compatible, and switch membership lists are compatible for
both elements. Ref er to the McDATA EFCM Basic Edition User
Manual (620-000240) for instructions.
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A connection is not allowed because of a fabr ic bi n ding mismatch.
Fabric membership lists must be compatible for both elements. At the
EFCM Basic Edition interface, ensure fa bric binding is enabled and
fabric membership lists are compatible for both elements. Refer to the
McDATA EFCM Basic Edition User Manual (620-000240) for
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