5-2 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Removal and Replacemen t Procedures
ESD ProceduresFollow these ESD procedures:
• If the product is connected to facility power (grounded), wear an
ESD wrist strap and grounding cable connected to the product
• If the product is not connected to facility power (not grounded),
wear an ESD wrist strap and grounding cable connected to an
approved bench grounding point.
• Touch the product chassis once before performing a procedure,
and once each minute during the procedure.
• Store ESD-sensitive FRUs in antis tatic packaging.
Field-Replaceable UnitsTable 5 -1 lists the concurrent FRU that is removed and replaced while
the product is powered on and operational. The table al s o lists E S D
precautions (yes or no) for th e FRU, and references the RRP pag e
number. Refer to Chapter 6, Illustrated Parts Breakdown for FRU
locations and part numbers.
Table 5-1 Concurrent FRU
Concurrent FRU ESD Requirement Page
Small form factor pluggable optical transceiver Yes 5-3