Installation Tasks 2-13
Installation Tasks
Figure2-6 Network View
2. Click OK to save and activate changes. An acknowledgement
message displays, indicating the browser PC must be directed to
the new IP address.
3. Update the address resolution protocol (ARP) table for the
browser PC.
a. Close the EFCM Basic Edition interface and all browser
b. At the Windows desktop, click Start at the left side of the task
bar. The Windows Workstation menu displays.
c. At the Windows Workstation menu, sequentially select the
Programs and Command Prompt options. A disk operating
system (DOS) window displays.
d. Delete the switch’s old IP address from the ARP table. At the
command (C:\) prompt, type arp -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the old IP address for the switch.
e. Click close (X) at the upper right corner of the DOS window to
close the window and return to the Windows desktop.
4. At the product front panel, press and hold the IML/RESET
button for ten seconds to perform a power-on reset (POR).