Event Code Tables A-13
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 081 (continued)
Event Data
(continued): A = Unauthorized port binding WWN - The device WWN or nickname used to configure port b inding for this
port is not valid. At the Configure Ports dialog box, reconfigure the port with the WWN or nickname authorized for
the attached device, or disable the port binding feature.
B = Unresponsive node - The attached node did not respond, resulting in a G_Port ELP timeout . Check the
status of the attached device and clean the link’s fiber-optic components (cable and connectors). If the problem
persists, contact support personnel to report the problem.
C = ESA security mismatch - Processing of the Exchange Security Attribute (ESA) fr ame detected a security
feature mismatch. The switch binding parameters for this switch and the attached fabric element must agree. At
the Switch Binding - State Change dialog boxes, ensure the parameters for both fabric elements are compatible,
or disable the fabric and switch binding features.
D = Fabric binding mismatch - Fabric binding is enabled and an attached fabric element has an incompatible
fabric membership list. At the Fabric Binding dialog box, update the fabric membership list for both fabric
elements to ensure compatibility, or disable the fabric binding feature.
E = Authorization failure reject - The fabric element connected to the switch th rough an ISL detected a security
violation. As a result, the switch received a generic reason code and set the p ort to an invalid attachment state.
Check the port status of the attached fabric element and clean the link’s fiber-optic components (ca ble and
connectors). If the problem persists, contact support personnel to report the problem.
F = Unauthorized switch binding WWN - Switch binding is enabled and an attached d evice or fabric element
has an incompatible switch membership list. At the Switch Binding - Membership Lis t dialog box, update the
switch membership list for the switch and the attached device or fabric element to ensure comp atibility, or disable
the switch binding feature.
10 = Authentication failure - An ISL challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP) check failed. Update
the authentication list or disable the authentication feature.
11 = Fabric mode mismatch - Based on the ELP revision level, a connection was not allowed becaus e a
McDATA switch in legacy mode is attached to a McDATA switch in Open Fabric mode, or a McDATA switch in
Open Fabric mode is attached to an OEM switch at an incorrect ELP revision level. Update the fabric mode for
one switch using the Interop Mode drop-down list at the Configure Fabric Parameters dialog box.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
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