A-16 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 120
Message: Error detected while processing system management command.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: This event occurs when the switch receives a management command that violates sp ecified boundary
conditions, typically as a result of a network error. The switch rejects the com mand, drops the switch-to-server
Ethernet link, and forces error recovery processing. When the link recovers, the comm and can be retried.
Action: No action is required for an isolated event. If this event persists, perform a data collection and return the CD to
support personnel.
Event Data: No suppleme ntary data included.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident
Event Code: 121
Message: Zone set activation failed - zone set too large.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: This event occurs when the switch receives a zone set activation command that exceeds the size supported by
the switch. The switch rejects the command, drops the switch-to-server Ethernet link , and forces error recovery
processing. When the link recovers, the command can be modified and retried.
Action: Reduce the size of the zone set to conform to the limit specified, then retry the activation com mand.
Event Data: No suppleme ntary data included.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident