4-16 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
2. At the EFCM Basic Edition interface, select Ports and Diagnostics
from the Maintenance menu at any view. The Diagnostics View
displays (Figure 4-4).
Figure4 -4 Diagnostics View
3. Type the port number to be tested in the Targeted Port Number
4. At the Diagnostic Test list box, select the Internal Loopback option.
5. Click Start. The test begins and:
a. The Diagnostics View changes to a Diagnostics - Executing View.
b. The message Diagnostics Time Remaining: xx appears,
where xx are the seconds remaining in the test. The test takes
approximately 30 seconds.
NOTE: Click Stop at any time to abort the loopback test.
6. When the test completes, the Di agnostics - Executing View reverts
to the Diagnostics View. Test results appear as Passed, Failed, or
Test Incomplete in the message area of the view.
7. Reset the tested port:
a. Select Ports and Reset from the Maintenance men u at an y view.
The Reset View displays.