Event Code Tables A-5
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 062
Message: Maximum interswitch hop count exceeded.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: Fabric controller software detected a path to a director or switch that traverses more than seven interswitch links
(hops). This may result in Fibre Channel frames persisting in the fabric longer than timeout valu es allow.
Action: Reconfigure the fabric so the path between any two switches traverses seven or less ISLs.
Event Data: Byte 0 = doma in ID of the director or switch more than seven hops away.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident
Event Code: 063
Message: Remote switch has too many ISLs.
Severity: Major.
Explanation: The director or switch with domain ID indicated in the event data has too many ISLs attached and is unreachable
from this switch.
Action: Reduce the ISLs on the indicated director or switch to a number within limits spec ified.
Event Data: Byte 0 = doma in ID of the director or switch with too many ISLs.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident