Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-35
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
• Disconnect the ISL. Exit MAP.
• Refer to the manufacturer ’s documentation and perform fault
isolation at the attached device or fabric eleme nt. Exit MAP.
• Change port fencing threshold settin gs to more lenient values.
Go to step 20.
An E_Port is fenced because of persistent firmware-related security
violations (SANtegrity binding or SANtegr ity authentication failures).
a. At the EFCM Basic Edition interface cha nge binding
membership lists or authentication parameters as directed by the
customer. Refer to the McDATA EFCM Basic Edition User
Manual (620-000240) for instructions.
b. Unblock the port. Refer to Block or Unblock a Port.
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The fabric, ISL, and product are operationa l . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
Port fencing threshold sett i ngs are too restrictive.
a. At the EFCM Basic Edition interface, change port fencing
threshold settings to more lenient values as directed by the
customer. Refer to the McDATA EFCM Basic Edition User
Manual (620-000240) for instructions.
b. Unblock the port. Refer to Block or Unblock a Port.
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The fabric, ISL, and product are operationa l . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
Event codes 140 and 142 occur only if the optional OpenTrunking
feature is enabled.
•Event code 140 - OpenTrunking firmware detected an ISL with
Fibre Channel traffic that exceeds the config ured congestion