Security 10-27
It is strongly recommended that you take the latter, and safer, approach to all of your filter set designs.
Working with IP Filters and Filter Sets
This section covers IP filters and filter sets.
To work with filters and filter sets, begin by accessing the filter set screens.
Note: Make sure you understand how filters work before attempting to use them. Read the section “About
Filters and Filter Sets,” beginning on page 10-20.
The procedure for creating and maintaining filter sets is as follows:
1. Add a new filter set.
2. Create the filters for the new filter set.
3. View, change, or delete individual filters and filter sets.
The sections below explain how to execute these steps.

Adding a filter set

You can create up to eight different custom filter sets. Each filter set can contain up to 16 output filters and up
to 16 input filters.
Filter Sets
Add Filter Set...
Display/Change Filter Set...
Delete Filter Set...