Chapter 1 – Introduction
Check Assign Remote Site an IP Address and enter the IP Address:
Check Allow Remote
Click the Remote Authentication Settings button if you want to authenticate with user name and password. The Remote Connection Authentication screen displays.
Remote Connection Authentication Screen
If you check PAP, then check Use Local Settings and enter the Remote User Name and Remote Password.
Click the OK button and return to the RouteFinder Manager main menu.
4.On the RouteFinder Manager main menu, click the Port Settings button to setup your modem.
Click the Dialup/Hangup Setting button to enable/disable
5.On the RouteFinder Manager main menu, click the Routing Settings button. Add the Default Gateway as and the Interface as Async Port
6.Click Save and Exit
Workstation Setup for LAN B
Set IP Address to
Set Default Gateway to
Once Setup Is Complete
You can try to ping on the LAN A workstation. This will cause the RF500S on LAN A to dial and connect to the RF500S on LAN B. Once both modems are connected, you will see all the ping responses.
You can also bring up the RouteFinder Monitor program to see the activities on the Async Port.
RouteFinder RF500S User Guide | 14 |