Chapter 5 – RouteFinder Manager
Use Local Client List
This list consists of User Names and Passwords that can access your network from a remote site. When a remote user dials in to the RF500S, the user’s Access Profile (user name, password, callback status, etc.) is validated against this list. The list can include up to 64 users. Click the Local Client List button to displays the Client Configuration screen.
Important: The RouteFinder’s default user is guest; it requires no password. For security reasons, either delete the guest user or provide it with a password.
Figure 4 – Client Configuration (Shown without the OK, Cancel, and Help buttons)
Client Information for Each New Remote User
User Name – Enter a user name with a maximum of 16 characters.
Password – Enter a password for each user name with a maximum of 16 characters. Password Verification – Verify the password by
Callback Type – When a remote client dials into the network, it disconnects. Then the RF500S calls the client back. There are three Callback Types:
No Callback – (Default) No callback function.
Fixed Callback – The RouteFinder connects to the client by dialing the number specified in the Your TelNumber field.
Variable Callback – The remote client specifies the phone number the RouteFinder should callback each time a
Assign a Specific IP Address for This User - Check this option to specify an IP address for this user. This IP address will be used each time the client logs in and will override the Assign Remote Site an IP Address option as shown on the IP Router Setting screen, Async tab. Click Add to complete adding this client to the Local Client List.
RouteFinder RF500S User Guide | 73 |