ProSafe Premium 3 x 3
burst rate, QoS policies
bytes, received and transmitted Ethernet connection 84 wireless connection 82
capturing packets 138
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) 108 Category 5 Ethernet cable 7
channel width (802.11na) 33
channel width and offset (802.11ng) 30
channels and frequencies defaults 140
selecting for 802.11a/na modes 33 selecting for 802.11b/bg/ng modes 30
channels, wireless spacing 18 classifications, QoS policies
CLI (command
associated, number of 85 DHCPv4, enabling 26 DHCPv6, enabling 100 isolation, enabling 109 maximum number 109 monitoring 80
NTP, enabling 25 trusted 61
wireless separation, enabling 45, 52
collision detection and collision avoidance, CSMA 108 command
compliance 161 electromagnetic 141 notification of 161
configuration file, backing up or restoring 70 connectors and ports, rear panel 13 console port 13
country, wireless location 24
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) 108 CTS (Clear to Send) packets 108
CTS flood 91
cwMin (minimum contention window) and cwMax (maximum contention window) values 111
data encryption WEP 54
WPA and WPA2 57
data rates
802.11a mode 34 802.11b/bg modes 31 specifications for all modes
date and time, troubleshooting 137 deauthentication broadcast attack 90
channels and frequencies 140 DHCPv4 gateway 28 DHCPv6 gateway 103 factory settings, list of
IPv6 address 142 ISP gateway 26, 101 login password 22, 142 prefix length 142 SNMP 65
subnet mask 26, 142 user name 22, 142
delivery traffic indication message (DTIM) interval 109 destination port, QoS policies 116
detection policies IDS/IPS 94
rogue access points 86 device probing 93
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCPv4 client and server
disassociation flood 90
DNS (Domain Name System) servers IPv4
IPv6 100–103
DTIM (delivery traffic indication message) interval 109
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) DHCPv4 client and server
EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol) attacks 91
EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) parameters
electromagnetic compliance 141 email settings, IDS/IPS 95
encryption WEP 54
WPA and WPA2 57 environmental specifications 141 ESS (extended service set) 45 Ether type, QoS policies 115 Ethernet cabling requirements 18