ProSafe Premium 3 x 3
NETGEAR recommends that you complete the following tasks before you deploy the wireless access point in your network:
•Configure wireless security and other wireless features as described in Chapter 3, Wireless Configuration and Security.
•Configure any additional features that you might need as described in Chapter 4, Management and Monitoring, and Chapter 5, Advanced Configuration.
After you have completed the configuration of the wireless access point, you can reconfigure the computer that you used for this process back to its original TCP/IP settings.
Mount the Wireless Access Point
•Ceiling Installation
•Wall Installation
•Desk Installation
Note: NETGEAR recommends that you review the information in Wireless
Equipment Placement and Range Guidelines on page 17 before you
mount the wireless access point at its permanent position.
Note: The figures in the procedures in this section do not show the WNDAP620 wireless access point. However, the procedures are generic and do apply to the WNDAP620 wireless access point.
Ceiling Installation
The best location for ceiling installation is at the center of your wireless coverage area, and within line of sight of all mobile devices. Make sure the top (the dome side) of the wireless access point is directed toward the users and not the ceiling.
Installation and Basic Configuration