Loupe Utility | Page 3 of 3 |
1.Click [Mouse / Touch pad]
2.Click a combination of «Alt», «Ctrl», and «Shift», and add the check mark. (Multiple keys can be combined; for example, «Ctrl» + «Alt»)
3.Click either [Right click] or [Left click] to use in combination with the key(s) selected in step 2 above.
When using the keyboard
1.Click [Keyboard].
2.Click the text box and then press the key used for the shortcut. (e.g., «Alt» + «Z», «Ctrl» + «Alt» + «Z», etc.)
[Window shape]
Select the shape of the loupe window.
You can turn on/off autorun of the Loupe Utility and the explanation window.
3. Click [OK].
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