User’s Manual of WGSD-1022/WGSD-8000

User Guidelines

There are no user guidelines for this command.


The following example shows how all port-channel information is displayed.

Console (config)# show interfaces port-channel






Active: g2


Active: e3, e7 Inactive: g1


Active: e4, e8

5.16 Port Monitor Commands

5.16.1 port monitor

The port monitor interface configuration command starts a port monitoring session. To stop a port monitoring session, use the no form of this command.


port monitor src-interface[rx tx] no port monitor src-interface

ƒsrc-interfaceValid Ethernet port or port-channel number.

ƒrx — Monitors received packets only. If no option specified, monitors both rx and tx.

ƒtx — Monitors transmitted packets only. If no option specified, monitors both rx and tx.

Default Configuration

This command has no default configuration.

Command Mode

Interface Configuration mode

User Guidelines

This command enables traffic on one port to be copied to another port, or between the source port (src-interface) and a destination port (the port being configured). Only a single target port can be defined per system.

The port being monitored cannot be set faster than the monitoring port.

The following restrictions apply to ports configured to be destination ports:

The port cannot be already configured as a source port.

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