User’s Manual of WGSD-1022/WGSD-8000

Console(config-pubkey-chain)# user-keybob

Console(config-pubkey-key)# key-stringrsa


5.22.8 key-string

The key-stringSSH public key-string configuration command manually specifies a SSH public key.


key-string text

ƒtext — Authentication string that must be sentand received in the packets, using the routing protocol being authenticated. The string can contain from 1 to 16 uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters.

Default Configuration

By default, the keys do not exist.

Command Mode

SSH Public Key-string configuration

User Guidelines

Use the key-string row command to specify the SSH public key row by row. Each row must begin with the keystring row command. This command is useful for configuration files.

UU-encoded DER format is the same format in authorized_keys file used by OpenSSH.


The following example enters public key strings for SSH public key clients called "bob".

Console(config)# crypto key pubkey-chain ssh Console(config-pubkey-chain)#user-key bob rsa Console(config-pubkey-key)#key-string rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCvTnRwPWl Al4kpqIw9GBRonZQZxjHKcqKL6rMlQ+ ZNXfZSkvHG+QusIZ/76ILmFT34v7u7ChFAE+ Vu4GRfpSwoQUvV35LqJJk67IOU/zfwOl1g kTwml75QR9gHujS6KwGN2QWXgh3ub8gDjTSq muSn/Wd05iDX2IExQWu08licglk02LYciz +Z4TrEU/9FJxwPiVQOjc+KBXuR0juNg5nFYsY 0ZCk0N/W9a/tnkm1shRE7Di71+w3fNiOA 6w9o44t6+AINEICBCCA4YcF6zMzaT1wefWwX6f+

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