User’s Manual of WGSD-1022/WGSD-8000

5.19.2 rmon collection history

The rmon collection history interface configuration command enables a Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB history statistics group on an interface. To remove a specified RMON history statistics group, use the no form of this command.


rmon collection history index [owner ownername] [buckets bucket-number] [interval seconds] no rmon collection history index

ƒIndex — The requested statistics index group. (Range: 1 - 65535)

ƒowner ownername — Records the RMON statistics group owner name. If unspecified, the name is an empty string.

ƒbuckets bucket-number— A value associated with the number of buckets specified for the RMON collection history group of statistics. If unspecified, defaults to 50. (Range: 1 - 65535)

ƒinterval seconds — The number of seconds in each polling cycle. If unspecified, defaults to 1800. (Range: 1 - 3600)

Default Configuration

This command has no default configuration.

Command Mode

Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode

User Guidelines

This command cannot be executed on multiple ports using the interface range ethernet command.


The following example enables a Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB history statistics group on port e8 with the index number "1" and a polling interval period of 2400 seconds.

Console (config)# interface ethernet e8

Console (config-if)#rmon collection history 1 interval 2400

5.19.3 show rmon collection history

The show rmon collection history user EXEC command displays the requested history group configuration.


show rmon collection history [ethernet interface port-channel port-channel-number]

ƒinterface — Valid Ethernet port.

ƒport-channel-number— Valid port-channel trunk index.

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