User’s Manual of WGSD-1022/WGSD-8000

Figure 4-12Ports to VLAN screen

The page contains the following fields:









Where means the VLAN number

Indicates the port belongs to a single untagged VLAN. When a port is in Access mode, the packet types which are accepted on the port cannot be designated. Ingress filtering cannot be enabled/disabled on an access port.

Which indicates the port belongs to VLANs in which all ports are tagged, except for one port that can be untagged

Which indicates the port belongs to VLANs, and each VLAN is user-defined as tagged or untagged (full 802.1Q mode)

Defines the interface as a tagged member of a VLAN. All packets forwarded by the interface are tagged. The packets contain VLAN information

Packets forwarded by the interface are untagged

Forbidden ports are not included in the VLAN

Excludes the interface from the VLAN. However, the interface can be added to the VLAN through GVRP

4.4.4 VLAN to Ports

The VLAN to Ports screen (see figure 4-13) contains fields for configuring VLANs to a port. This screen displays these parts,

such as:

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