User’s Manual of WGSD-1022/WGSD-8000

5.25 TACACS Commands

5.25.1 tacacs-server host

The tacacs-server host command in global configuration mode specifies a TACACS+ host. To delete the specified name or address, use the no form of this command.


tacacs-server host {ip-addresshostname} [single-connection] [port port-number] [timeout timeout] [key keystring] [source source] [priority priority]

no tacacs-server host ip-address

ƒip-address— Name or IP address of the host. An out-of-band IP address can be specified as described in the usage guidelines.

ƒhostname — Hostname of the tacacs server. (Range: 1 - 160 characters)

ƒsingle-connection— Specify single-connection. Rather than have the device open and close a TCP connection to the daemon each time it must communicate, the single-connection option maintains a single open connection between the device and the daemon.

ƒport-numberSpecify a server port number. If unspecified, the port number defaults to 49. (Range: 0 - 65535)

ƒtimeout—Specifies the timeout value in seconds. If no timeout value is specified, the global value is used. (Range: 1 - 1000)

ƒkey-stringSpecifies the authentication and encryption key for all TACACS communications between the device and the TACACS server. This key must match the encryption used on the TACACS daemon. If no key string value is specified, the global value is used. (Range: Up to 160 characters)

ƒsource — Specifies the source IP address to use for the communication. If no source value is specified, the global value is used.

ƒpriority — Determines the order in which the servers will be used, when 0 is the highest priority. If unspecified defaults to 0. (Range: 0 - 65535)

Default Configuration

No TACAS host is specified

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

Multiple tacacs-server host commands can be used to specify multiple hosts.

If no host-specific timeout, key or source values are specified, the global values apply to each host.

To define TACACS server on the out-of-band port, use the out-of-band IP address format: oob/ip-address.

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