
suggested solutions



The machine dials a

The other fax machine may be turned off, out of

number, but the

paper, or cannot answer incoming calls. Speak

connection with the

with the other machine operator and ask them to

other fax machine

solve the problem on their side.



Faxes do not store in

There may not be enough memory space to store


the fax. If the display indicating the memory status


shows, delete any faxes you no longer need from


the memory, and then try to store the fax again.


Call for service.

Blank areas appear

You may have chosen the wrong paper settings in

at the bottom of

the user option setting. For details about paper

each page or on

settings (See "Setting the paper size and type" on

other pages, with a

page 7).

small strip of text at


the top




Samsung Scan and Fax Manager Problem


suggested solution



Samsung Scan and

Check your system requirements. Samsung

Fax Manager does

Scan and Fax Manager works in Window and

not work.

Macintosh (See "System requirements" on


page 2).


Check that the Samsung Scan and Fax


Manager is installed by looking under “All


programs” in windows. If not installed and/or


working correctly, reinstalled using the CD


supplied with the product, or download the


latest version from the Samsung website.





Common PostScript problems

The following situations are PS language specific and may occur when several printer languages are used.


Possible cause







PostScript file

The PostScript

Install the PostScript

cannot be printed.

driver may not be


driver (See "Installing


installed correctly.


USB connected




machine’s driver" on




page 3).



Print a configuration




page and verify that




the PS version is




available for printing.



Reinstall the PS




driver. If the problem




persists, contact a




service representative.

“Limit Check Error”

The print job was

You might need to

report prints.

too complex.

reduce the complexity of



the page or install more



memory (See "Installing



a memory module" on



page 5).

A PostScript error

The print job may

Make sure that the print

page prints.

not be PostScript.

job is a PostScript job.



Check to see whether



the software application



expected a setup or



PostScript header file to



be sent to the machine.

The optional tray is

The printer driver

Open the PostScript

not selected in the

has not been

driver properties, select


configured to

the Device Options tab,


recognize the

and set the tray option.


optional tray.



When printing a

The resolution

Make sure that the

document in

setting in the printer

resolution setting in your

Macintosh with

driver may not be

printer driver matches

Acrobat Reader 6.0

matched with the

the one in Acrobat

or higher, colors

one in Acrobat


print incorrectly.








Common Windows problems


Suggested solutions



“File in Use”

Exit all software applications. Remove all

message appears

software from the printer’s startup group, then

during installation.

restart Windows. Reinstall the printer driver.

“General Protection

Close all other applications, reboot Windows

Fault”, “Exception

and try printing again.

OE”, “Spool 32”, or


“Illegal Operation”


messages appear.


“Fail To Print”, “A

These messages may appear during printing.

printer timeout error

Just keep waiting until the machine finishes

occurred” messages

printing. If the message appears in standby


mode or after printing has been completed,


check the connection and/or whether an error


has occurred.



Troubleshooting_ 20

Page 125
Image 125
Samsung CLX-6220, CLX-6250 manual Samsung Scan and Fax Manager Problem, Common PostScript problems, Common Windows problems