Two Port 10/100 Managed Ethernet Switch with
6.5Buffer Manager (BM)
The buffer manager (BM) provides control of the free buffer space, the multiple priority transmit queues, transmission scheduling, and packet dropping. VLAN tag insertion and removal is also performed by the buffer manager. The following sections detail the various features of the buffer manager.
6.5.1Packet Buffer Allocation
The packet buffer consists of 32KB of RAM that is dynamically allocated in 128 byte blocks as packets are received. Up to 16 blocks may be used per packet, depending on the packet length. The blocks are linked together as the packet is received. If a packet is filtered, dropped, or contains a receive error, the buffers are reclaimed. Limits and Flow Control Levels
The BM keeps track of the amount of buffers used per each ingress port. These counts are used to generate flow control
The BM also keeps a count of the number of buffers that are queued for multiple ports (broadcast queue). This count is compared against the Buffer Manager Broadcast Buffer Level Register (BM_BCST_LVL), and if the configured drop level is reached or exceeded, subsequent packets are dropped.
6.5.2Random Early Discard (RED)
Based on the ingress flow monitoring detailed in Section 6.4.6, "Ingress Flow Metering and Coloring," on page 71, packets are colored as Green, Yellow, or Red. Packets colored Red are always discarded if the Drop on Red bit in the Buffer Manager Configuration Register (BM_CFG) is set. If the Drop on Yellow bit in the Buffer Manager Configuration Register (BM_CFG) is set, packets colored Yellow are randomly discarded based on the moving average number of buffers used by the ingress port.
The probability of a discard is programmable into the Random Discard Weight table via the Buffer Manager Random Discard Table Command Register (BM_RNDM_DSCRD_TBL_CMD), Buffer Manager Random Discard Table Write Data Register (BM_RNDM_DSCRD_TBL_WDATA), and Buffer Manager Random Discard Table Read Data Register (BM_RNDM_DSCRD_TBL_RDATA). The Random Discard Weight table contains sixteen entries, each
Refer to Section, "Buffer Manager Random Discard Table Command Register (BM_RNDM_DSCRD_TBL_CMD)," on page 422 for additional details on writing and reading the Random Discard Weight table.
6.5.3Transmit Queues
Once a packet has been completely received, it is queued for transmit. There are four queues per transmit port, one for each level of transmit priority. Each queue is virtual (if there are no packets for that port/priority, the queue is empty), and dynamic (a queue may be any length if there is enough memory space). When a packet is read from the memory and sent out to the corresponding port, the used buffers are released.
SMSC LAN9311/LAN9311i | 77 | Revision 1.4 |