Using Bookmarks
SSHv2 Bookmarks
For SSHv2 bookmarks, you must have SUN JRE 1.6.0_10 or higher and must be connecting to a server that supports SSHv2. There are also options to Automatically accept host key and to Bypass username. The bypass option should only be used for SSHv2 servers that do not require authentication in the initial connection session (such as SonicWALL security appliances).
Editing Bookmarks
You can change the IP address, domain name, or IPv6 address as well as the service and other settings associated with an existing bookmark.
Note Only
To edit a bookmark to change its name or associated IP address, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Identify a bookmark in the Virtual Office Bookmarks list for which you want to change an IP address or domain name or other settings.
Step 2 In the Virtual Office Bookmarks list, click on the Configure icon for an existing bookmark. The Edit Bookmark dialog box displays.
Step 3 To change the bookmark name, domain name or IP address of the bookmark, edit the names in the Bookmark Name or Name or IP Address fields.
Step 4 To change the service, select a new Service from the
Step 6 Optionally enable or disable the Automatically log in setting, or change the credentials selection.
Step 7 Click Apply. The Virtual Office home page displays with the new IP address or domain name.
Removing Bookmarks
To remove a bookmark, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Identify a bookmark in the Virtual Office Bookmarks list that you want to remove.
Step 2 In the Virtual Office Bookmarks list, click on the delete icon | for the bookmark you want to |
remove. The bookmark disappears from the list. |
Using Bookmarks
The following sections describe how to use the various types of bookmarks:
•“Using Remote Desktop Bookmarks” section on page 135
•“Using VNC Bookmarks” section on page 138
•“Using FTP Bookmarks” section on page 140