Panel Control and Menus 2 Chapter
The 12 buttons are numbered 1, 2, ... 11, 12. While the [SHIFT] button is held down, these switch to numbers 13 to 24, or alternatively, every time the button is pressed, switching is made between numbers 1 to 12 and 13 to 24.
When the 12th button is used as a [SHIFT] button, switch is made between numbers 1 to 11 and 12 to 22.
Both the assignment of the 12th button to a [SHIFT] button and the selection of the button operation mode can be done in a Setup menu.
Assigning signals to button
You can assign a signal to each button using the Setup menu.
This assignment is common to the crosspoint buttons in the
You can also make separate signal assignments for each operating control block.
Visual indications on
The currently selected button in a row (i.e. the last button pressed) lights amber or red. Amber (“low tally”): The signal selected on the bus does not form part of the program output from the switcher.
Red (“high tally”): The signal selected on the bus forms part of the program output from the switcher.
bSource name displays
These show the names of the signals which can be selected on the
point buttons is enabled, the source name of the signal assigned to the column of crosspoint buttons in shift mode appears. You can select green, orange, or yellow for the background color of the source name display, for each source separately. You can set the source name display mode and background color in a Setup menu.
cKey row delegation buttons
These buttons assign buses to the key row.
When the [XPT HOLD] button is on, then the operation is as follows, depending on the setting in the Setup menu.
This function is valid for the background A and B rows.
When the panel setup is “Normal”:The operation is as follows, depending on the setting in switcher setup.
Key Disable: The snapshot or keyframe is recalled without changing the current key settings.
Xpt Hold: The snapshot or keyframe is recalled without changing the current
When the panel setup is “Protect”: The
eSHIFT button
When this button is enabled, either the source name displays show the shifted signal names, or the shifted signals for all buses in this M/E (P/P) bank are enabled. You can select either mode in a Setup menu.
Each press of the button toggles between the enabled and disabled states.
Using a Setup menu operation, you can also make this button function as the [SHIFT]
138 Names and Functions of Parts of the Control Panel