2 In the auxiliary bus control block, press the AUX delegation button to which frame memory source bus 1 is allocated, turning it on.
For allocation of buses to the AUX delegation buttons, see “AUX Delegation Buttons Settings (Aux Assign Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).
3 In the key row of the bank selected in step 1, select the signal to be used for the input image.
Allocating frame memory source buses 1 and 2 to FM1 to FM8
For the signals on frame memory source buses 1 and 2, you can use the outputs of any one of the pairs: FM1&2, FM3&4, FM5&6, and FM7&8.
The following procedure describes how to allocate FM1&2; use the corresponding procedure for the other pairs.
You can select FM1, FM3, FM5 and FM7 for frame memory source bus 1, and FM2, FM4, FM6 and FM8 for frame memory source bus 2.
1 In the Frame Memory menu, press one of VF1 to VF3 as desired, then select HF1 ‘Select.’
The VF1, VF2, or VF3 Select menu appears.
2 In the <Select> group, select whether to handle the outputs singly or in pairs.
Single: Handle FM1 (3, 5, 7) and FM2 (4, 6, 8) singly.
Pair: Handle FM1 (3, 5, 7) and FM2 (4, 6, 8) in pairs.
For details of pair setting, see “Pair setting” (page 61).
3 In the <FM1/2> group, press [FM1] or [FM2] to select the target output. If you selected [Pair] in step 2, then FM1 and FM2 are simultaneously selected.
This allocates frame memory source bus 1 to FM1, and frame memory source bus 2 to FM2.
Capturing an Image (Freeze)
Freezing an image and writing it to memory
To freeze the signal selected as input material, and write it to memory, use the following procedure.
Memory Frame 7 Chapter
Frame Memory Operations 267