Keys 4 Chapter

Using the plane function

In an additive mix, since no key is applied to the foreground, any variations in the (typically blue) background may appear in the composite image. To avoid this, a particular luminance level can be set for the (blue) background, and regions of lower luminance forcibly cut.

Use the following procedure.

1 In the Chroma Adjust menu, set [Plane] on.

2 Adjust the following parameter.




Setting values







Luminance level

0.00 to 100.00





Chroma Key Adjustments

There are two ways of making chroma key adjustments: automatically, using the auto chroma key function, or manually, making individual adjustments such as color cancel adjustments and window adjustments.

Making auto chroma key adjustments

Auto chroma key is an automatic adjustment function which allows you to specify a part of the foreground video (for example, the blue background color) and use it as a reference for creating the chroma key image.

Use the following procedure.

1 In the M/E-1>Key1 menu, select HF1 ‘Type,’ then select [Chroma] in the <Key Type> group.

2 Select [Chroma Adjust].

The Chroma Adjust menu appears.

3 Select [Sample Mark] in the <Auto> group.

The foreground video only appears on the monitor, with a white box- shaped sample selector.

4 Adjust the position and size of the sample selector, to specify the color to be used as the basis of chroma keying (typically a blue background).




Setting values






Position H

Horizontal position

100.00 to +100.00 a)

204 Key Setting Operations Using Menus