Transitions 3 Chapter

Transition Preview

Carrying out a transition preview

To carry out a transition preview, use the following procedure.

For an overview of the transition preview, see page 34.

1 In the M/E or PGM/PST bank transition control block, press the [TRANS PVW] button.

The [TRANS PVW] button lights green, and the switcher is now in the transition preview mode. At this point, the preview output is the same as the program output before the [TRANS PVW] button was pressed.

2 Operate the fader lever, or press the [AUTO TRANS] button or [CUT] button.

On the preview monitor, you can check the effect of the transition.

To terminate a transition preview

There are three modes for a transition preview. To terminate a transition preview, carry out the operation which depends on the mode, and press the [TRANS PVW] button, turning it off.

Lock: Toggling the [TRANS PVW] button on and off switches between the transition preview mode and the normal mode.

Hold: The preview mode obtains only while the [TRANS PVW] button is held down.

One Time: Each time a transition ends, it reverts to the normal mode.

For details of the mode setting, see “Settings Relating to Video Switching (Transition Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).


During a transition, whether executed with the [AUTO TRANS] button or the fader lever, it is not possible to press the [TRANS PVW] button.

In bus fixed mode (see page 33), transition previews are not available.

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