Making a color combination (color mix)
To combine color 1 and color 2, use the following procedure.
1 In the <Matte> group of the Color Bkgd1 menu , press [Mix Color], turning it on.
2 Set the following parameters as required.
Knob | Parameter | Adjustment | Setting values |
1 | Size | Pattern size | 0.00 to 100.00 |
2 | Soft | Degree of softening of edge | 0.00 to 100.00 |
5 | Pattern | Pattern number | 1 to 24 a) |
a)The patterns are the same as for a standard wipe. See the appendix “Wipe Pattern List” (Volume 2).
You can also carry out the pattern selection by pressing the [Mix Ptn Select] button, to display the Mix Ptn Select menu. Select any pattern appearing in the Mix Ptn Select menu (standard wipe patterns 1 to 24), and you can then adjust the following parameters.
Knob | Parameter | Adjustment | Setting values |
1 | Size | Pattern size | 0.00 to 100.00 |
2 | Soft | Edge softness | 0.00 to 100.00 |
3 To adjust color 1, set [Color1] on, and to adjust color 2 set [Color2] on, then adjust the parameters.
Knob | Parameter | Adjustment | Setting values |
1 | Luminance | Luminance | 0.00 to 100.00 |
2 | Saturation | Saturation | 0.00 to 100.00 |
3 | Hue | Hue | 0.00 to 359.99 |
4 If required, set the pattern modifiers.
• When turning [Position] on and setting the pattern position
Knob | Parameter | Adjustment | Setting values |
1 | H Position | Horizontal position | −200.00 to +200.00 a) |
2 | V Position | Vertical position | −200.00 to +200.00 a) |
a) See page 51.
Backgrounds Color 8 Chapter
Color Background Setting Operations | 283 |