9-pingraphics,112, 164

Absolute tab, 69, 157

ACKprotocol,194 Adjustingpapergap, 16 Adjustingwidthof space,81 Advancepaper, 55, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149

Aligningtext, 74, 158 Alternategraphicscodes,111 American Standard Codefor Information Interchange,39 ASCIIcodeconversionchart, 125 ASCIIcodes,39, 94

Attributebyte, 99

Autofeed mode, 175

Automatic sheet feeder, 92, 175

Backspace, 79, 168 BASIC, 37, 38 (BEL), 77, 1.69 Bell, 77, 169

Bi-directional print, 82, 171 Big characters, 90, 172 Bit image graphics, 108 Block graphics, 84

Boldface print, 28, 31, 51, 53, 142 Bottom margin, 122, 151

<BS), 79, 168

<CAN), 79,168

Cancel, auto feed mode, 176 boldface print, 51, 142 emphasized print, 51, 142 expanded print, 47, 140 italics, 43, 134 margins, 63, 151

NLQ, 43, 136 proportional print, 50, 139 superscripts and subscripts, 45, 144 text, 79, 168

underlining, 44, 143 Carriage return, 55, 154 Centering text, 74, 158 Changing line spacing, 56, 146

page length, 62, 150 Channels, vertical tab, 73, 153 Character graphics, 84 Character set #1, 84, 122, 135 Character set #2, 84, 122, 135 Character space, 158 Character width, 26, 46

Characters in the control code area, 88

Chart, ASCII code, 125 Chart, character set #2, 85 CHR$ function, 38 CHR$(7), 169 CHR$(8), 168 CHR$(9),67, 156 CHR$(1O),55, 145 CHR$(ll), 70, 152 CHR$(12),61, 149 CHR$(13),55, 154 CHR$(14),47, 140 CHR$(15),49, 138 CHR$(17), 78, 169 CHR$(18),49, 138 CHR$(19), 78, 169 CHR$(20),47, 141 CHR$(24), 79, 168 CHR$(127), 79, 168 Clamp lever, 11, 14 Cleaning, 115

Clearing margins, 63 Combining print modes, 53 Command syntax, 41 Commands, dot graphics, 161

download characters, 159 font pitch, 137

font style, 133 form feed, 149 horizontal position, 154 line feed, 145

macro instruction, 165 print style, 133 vertical position, 145

Commercial software, 21 Computer paper, 13

Condensed pitch, 26, 33, 48, 53, 138 Connecting the printer, 18 Control code area, 88

Control codes, 39 Control key, 39 Control panel, 9

Copying characters to download RAM, 102, 160

Cord, power, 7

Cover open detector, 5 Cover, printer, 2, 7, 12 Covers, sprocket, 14 <CR), 55, 154

(DC1?, 78, 169 ~:DC2>,138 (DC3), 78, 169 ( DC4>,141

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Star Micronics NX-15 user manual Index