When you run this program you should get this:
Line 20 selects the elite pitch and line 40 turns on the propor- tional printing with (ESC) “p” 1. Line 50 prints a line with pro- portional elite pitch. Then, line 60 selects the pica pitch, so that line 70 prints a line with proportional pica pitch. Finally, line 80 resets the proportional printing and line 90 prints a line in nor- mal pica pitch.
NOTE: When you set the “Print Pitch Panel” mode by the Print Pitch key on the control panel at
Your printer has good print density when it’s just printing nor- mally. But sometimes you may want something to stand out from the rest of the page. This printer provides two ways to do ‘this: boldface and emphasized print. Both of these go over the characters twice, but they use slightly different methods to darken the characters. Let’s try them and see what the dif- ference is.
The following table shows the control codes for getting into and out of boldface and emphasized modes.
Print emphasis commands