Here line 30 turns on superscripts with (ESC) “S” O.It’s turn- ed off in line 50 with (ESC) “T”. Then between printing text, subscripts are turned on in line 70 with (ESC) “S” 1, and finally off in line 90. Again, everything prints on one line because of the semicolons.
In “printer talk,” the number of characters that can be printed in one inch is called the print pitch or character pitch. Normally, your printer is set for 10 characters per inch, which is called pica (and is the same as the pica pitch on most typewriters). This works out to 136 characters per line.
You can also print 12 character per inch (elite ~itch). This gives you 163 characters per line.
You can set these pitches by using the Mode key on the con- trol panel manually, or by software as shown in the table below.
Print pitch commands
Pitch | Characters/inch | Control code |
Pica | 10 | (ESC) “P” |
Elite | 12 | (ESC) “M” |
Try this program to see how these two pitches work. Be sure to set the printer to draft mode.
10 ‘ Demo of pica and e ite p:t.ches 20 LPRINTCHR$(27) ; “M”;
30 LPRINT “This 1ine is ELITE pitch. ”
40 LPRINTCHR.(27$ ) ; “P” ;
50 LPRINT “This 1ine is PICA pitch (normal ) .”
When you run this program you should get this:
Th 1s 11 ne is. EL 11“”Ep ~ tr:h.
‘“l”l’”i1.s:. :1.1,I“”iP i ‘3 1’:”[ (l[\ pi. t (:::h