Here, the value of n defines the print style to be selected. The value of n can range from Oto 255, which is the range of values that can be stored in one
Values of mixing print styles for Master Print
Bit | Print style | Decimal value |
1 | Elite print | 1 |
2 | Proportionalprint | 2 |
3 | Condensedprint | 4 |
4 | Emphasizedprint | 8 |
5 | Boldfaceprint | 16 |
6 | Expandedprint | 32 |
7 | Italics | 64 |
8 | Underline | 128 |
For example, if you want to select elite expanded boldface print, you would calculate the value of n like this:
Boldface 16
Expanded 32
The command would look like this:
To better understand the way the print modes work, consider that each mode except pica (pica is the default) has a separate switch that can turned on and off via software. Once the switch is on, it stays on until turned off. However, when two modes that conflict are turned on at the same time, the printer must choose which one to use.
For example, suppose you turn on both Elite and Emphasized modes. These cannot combine, so the printer must make a choice; in this case, the printer chooses Elite.