XML Model objects verified by Check Model
Undefined base type
You must define a base type when you derive a simple or a complex type by restriction.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
In the simple or complex type property | — |
sheet, click the Properties tool beside the |
Derivation box to display the Extension |
property sheet and select a base type with |
the Base type dropdown listbox or the |
Browse tool |
Existence of facet
A simple type restriction must have at least one facet defined. Facets are defined in the Detail, Enumerations and Patterns pages of a simple type restriction property sheet.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
Define one or more facets in the simple | — |
type restriction property sheet |
Simple type list check
During a simple type list check, the following object control is made.
Undefined base type
You must define a base type when you derive a simple type by list.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
In the simple type property sheet, click | — |
the Properties tool beside the Derivation |
box to display the simple type list |
property sheet and select a data type with |
the Type dropdown listbox or the Browse |
tool |
164 | PowerDesigner |