Defining elements
Property | Description |
Reference | Name of a global element. The current element will have the |
| same properties as the global element. The Reference property |
| is only available for child elements. Use the dropdown listbox |
| to select a global element in the current model. Use the Browse |
| tool to select a global element from any model opened in the |
| current workspace. If you select a global element from another |
| model, a shortcut is created with the referencing element. When |
| you define a reference, name and code properties are grayed. |
| Name and code are those of the global element |
Group type | Indicator that specifies how child elements are to be used |
| within the parent element. It can be a group particle (all, |
| choice, sequence) or a group of elements (group). If you select |
| group, a referencing group is directly linked to the current |
| element (see Defining group properties) |
Type | Element data type. Use the dropdown listbox to select a |
| data type. Use the Browse tool to select a simple or a complex |
| type from any model opened in the current workspace. In the |
| case of an XSD, selecting a data type will delete any group |
| particle (and its child elements) or attribute previously defined |
| in the element property sheet. Do not select a data type if you |
| want to define attributes or child elements within the current |
| element |
Embedded type | Locally defined data type. It applies to the current element only. |
| Automatically set to Complex if you define a derivation for the |
| element data type. Only available in a model targeted with XSD |
Content | Content type of the element. If you select Complex, the |
| element can have child elements. If you select Simple, the |
| element cannot have child elements. Only available in a model |
| targeted with XSD |
Derivation | Derivation method for the element data type. Used to extend or |
| restrict the values of the element data type. When you define a |
| derivation, the data type disappears. You must click Apply and |
| then the Properties tool to select a base type in the derivation |
| property sheet. Only available in a model targeted with XSD |
For more information on group particles, see section Linking child elements to a parent element.
For more information on derivations, see section Defining derivations.
Once you have defined the reference of a referencing element, you can locate the referenced element in the diagram by
38 | PowerDesigner |