XML Model objects verified by Check Model
Existence of attributes
An attribute group must contain at least one attribute.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
Add attributes to attribute group or delete | Deletes unassigned attribute group |
attribute group |
Import check
During an import check, the following object control is made.
Undefined schema location and namespace
An import must have at least a schema location or a namespace defined.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
In the import property sheet, define a URI for the | — |
schema location and/or the namespace. Example |
for a schema location: |
http://www.something.org/schemas/order.xsd |
Example for a namespace: |
http://www.something.org/xml/ordering |
Redefine check
During a redefine check, the following object controls are made.
Undefined schema location
You must define a schema location for a redefine.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
In the redefine property sheet, define a | — |
URI or select a schema file for the |
schema location. For example: |
customers.xsd |
158 | PowerDesigner |