XML Model objects verified by Check Model
For more information on XPath expressions, see section Defining an identity constraint selector in chapter Building an XML model.
KeyRef check
During a keyRef check, the following object controls are made.
KeyRef name and code uniqueness
An element cannot contain two keyRefs with identical names and/or codes.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
Rename one of the keyRefs | Renames the keyRef by appending a |
| number to its name or code |
Undefined reference
A keyRef must contain a reference to a key or a unique constraint.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
In the keyRef property sheet, define a | — |
reference to a key or a unique constraint |
with the Reference dropdown listbox |
Existence of fields
A keyRef must contain at least one field.
Manual correction | Automatic correction |
Add at least one field to the keyRef or | Deletes unassigned keyRef |
delete the keyRef. For example: |
@numEmployee |
For more information on fields, see section Defining an identity constraint field in chapter Building an XML model.
160 | PowerDesigner |