XML Model Glossary
extension | Derivation of a complex type to extend the values of its base type |
facet | A constraint on the set of values of a simple type |
field | An XPath expression that specifies the value (or one of the values) used to |
| define an identity constraint (unique, key or keyRef) |
global object | A global object has a global scope. It has no parent object and can be reused |
| locally in the model through referenced objects. In a schema, it is directly |
| linked to the <schema> root element |
group | A set of elements arranged by a group particle (all, choice or sequence) |
group particle | An indication (all, choice, sequence) on how child elements are related with |
| their parent element |
ID | Identifier (key word) for a model object. It must be unique within the model. |
| To be |
| alphanumeric characters |
identity constraint | An indication to specify that element or attribute values must be unique |
| within their specified scopes |
import | Identifies a namespace whose schema components are referenced by the |
| current schema |
include | Allows you to include a specified schema file in the target namespace of the |
| current schema |
key | An identity constraint to specify that an element or attribute value (or set of |
| values) must be a key within a specified scope. A key means that data should |
| be unique, not null and always present within a specified scope |
keyRef | An identity constraint to specify that an element or attribute value (or set of |
| values) corresponds to those of a specified key or unique constraint |
list | Derivation of a simple type to restrict its values to a list of values of a |
| specified data type |
local object | A local object has a local scope, within a parent object. It cannot be reused |
| elsewhere in the model |
namespace | Original location for the definition of an object. It should be a URI |
A name without a colon (:), beginning with a letter or an underscore | |
(NCName) | character, and followed by any combination of characters |
notation | Allows you to describe the format of |
268 | PowerDesigner |