Serial Upload
Windows Serial PC Users
∙The Worth Data Hardware Utilities program has the ability to upload the TriCoder via the serial port in addition to USB support. Plug the serial cable into the TriCoder and turn it on.
After installing the Hardware Utilities (see Chapter 3, Non Portable Mode for installation instructions) run the program by clicking on the Hardware Utilities icon in your Start Menu. Once the program is up, click on the Serial Tab.
Port Settings
Make sure the serial port is configured the same as the TriCoder defaults - baud 9600, parity none, data bits 8, stop bits 1. Verify that you are choosing the correct COM port; 1, 2, 3 or 4. For the purposes of the tutorial, we assume you have tested the TriCoder communications in NON PORTABLE mode. If you have not, go to Chapter 3; Non Portable Mode, establish communications in NON PORTABLE mode and then continue with the tutorial.
Click on the Direction Radio Button From TriCoder. Choose Data File as the “File Type”. Enter the name (and directory path if needed) of the file you want to upload to. Click on the START button to start the program. You must start the upload program before you press 2 on the Main Menu of the TriCoder for Data Upload.
∙Press the 2 key at the TriCoder Main Menu (opening screen) to begin the upload from the TriCoder. Wait for the TriCoder and the uploading program to indicate that the upload is finished. Close the Hardware Utilities program, then open Windows Notepad and open the file you created. The TriCoder should be displaying:
If the data in Notepad is correct, press the YES key on the TriCoder to delete the data in the TriCoder. If there is a problem with the data in the file, press the NO key on the TriCoder, check the TriCoder setup and try the upload again. If you still have a problem, go to the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this manual.
You have now successfully collected, reviewed and uploaded data using the TriCoder as a portable device. If Program #0 or Program #1 is sufficient for your needs, you are ready to continue by collecting your own data and doing a test run with your data and application. If your data collection needs are more complex, Chapters 10: Creating a custom Program of this manual provides detailed information concerning the more advanced programming features of the TriCoder.