For example, if statement #01 has a Maximum Data Length of 10 and you scan the number 12345, the following Upload Prefix for statement #1 would produce data of 0000012345.
PREFIX - - ^0
When programming an Upload Prefix, you must press the ENTER key on the TriCoder to terminate the entry, whether you have entered data from the keypad or scanned it from the Full ASCII Menu. If you try to scan ENTER from the Full ASCII Menu, the TriCoder will think you want to add an ENTER (carriage return) to the Upload Prefix.
When entering unprintable characters from the Full ASCII Menu as Upload Prefix data, each character will display on the
TriCoder as ?. If you want to know what ASCII character is there, press the key and the
Pressing will display the CR as 013 (the ASCII for CR). See Appendix M: ASCII Code Equivalent Table for a chart of all ASCII characters.
Upload Prefixes and Upload Suffixes are the only program statement fields that can be edited after data has already been
collected in the TriCoder. All other statement fields are not editable until the current data file is deleted.
Upload Suffix
The SUFFIX is just like the Prefix; only it is appended AFTER the data for the statement.
All of the properties of the Prefix apply to the Suffix also:
Identification of a field
Simulating keystrokes
Timing Delays
Appending data to another field
Trimming Data (from the END of the data)
Padding Data (padding at the END of the data)
For details on any of the above uses, see the previous section on Upload Prefixes.
By default, Suffix data is transmitted AFTER the data but BEFORE the Terminator Character. The default transmission format when using Prefixes and Suffixes is as follows:
(ID)(Prefix) DATA (Checksum Chs)(Suffix) (Terminator Ch)
To transmit the Suffix after the Terminator, change the Terminator Character to OFF (the default is ON).