Chapter 6: TriCoder Connection
Interfacing with the computer is possibly the most critical operation. Without proper communication between the computer and TriCoder, all that data you collected for hours and hours really isn‟t doing you much good. Whether you are using the USB interface, or the Serial interface, before you even begin collecting data you need to establish communication in NON PORTABLE MODE, (See Chapter 3;
Connecting the hardware Configuring the TriCoder
Testing in
We will explain each of these steps for the USB and Serial Interface. If you are using your TriCoder with a USB connection, continue on with the next section. For serial interface, go to page
USB HID Keyboard Interface – PC and Mac
The TriCoder can be attached to a PC or Mac via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port. The USB connection offers several advantages, which are:
∙There are two “Timing” settings for use on older PC‟s and faster modern PC‟s,
∙In Windows, you have the convenience of HID Keyboard Interface in
∙With the Full Speed USB interface, data uploads and program transfers are up to 40 times faster than serial and 1000 times faster than keyboard. See Chapter 3: Non Portable Mode, First time USB use regarding Windows and USB.
The C22 USB I/O Cable is required to connect the 5000 TriCoder to a USB port. The USB port does not power the TriCoder – it will operate on batteries or the Worth Data 5V power supply only.
Plug the USB end of the C22 cable into the USB port located on the back of the PC or Macintosh. Only one end of the cable fits. Plug the other end of the C22 cable into the I/O port on the bottom of the TriCoder.
If this is the first time you have connected the TriCoder to a USB cable, you could be asked to select the exact USB interface you desire, and you will be asked to install Windows USB driver(s). See Chapter 3: Non Portable Mode, First time USB use.
Testing Communication using NON PORTABLE mode
To test communication USB HID Keyboard, go to Chapter 3: Non Portable Mode for detailed instruction on how to use NON PORTABLE mode to establish communication between the TriCoder and the host computer. The key to testing communications is to keep it simple – you don‟t want to have to determine whether it‟s your software or the TriCoder causing a problem.