The None statement entry type is used as a “dummy” statement, recording no data and transmitting only the Upload prefix and suffix.
It is typically used as a destination for a bran ch statement, allowing you to record what action the operato r took without recording any
data. The program goes on without any input from the operator.
To illustrate it‟s use, lets say that a branch statement (statement #3) goes to state ment #04 (None statement) i f the operator enters the
letter A.
ENTRY TYPE --------------------------- N
Even though the operator enters the letter A at statement #3 , the A will not be written to memory and uploaded because branch
statements record no data. What if your applicat ion requires the A as part of its data? By making statement #04 a None statement and
entering an A as the upload prefix or suffix, an A will upload as the data for statement #04.
The None statement can also be used to add more tha n 15 characters to an upload prefix or upload suffix when using refer -backs
many times 15 characters is not enough. See Upload Prefix in this chapter for more information on refer -back (appending data to
another field) programming.
Data AND Immediate Output
The Data AND Immediate Output state ment entry type is used when you want to create a regular Data entry prompt (see Data) where
the data is stored in memory but also want the data to be output immediately (like NON PORTABLE mode) as well. The TriCoder
must be connected to the computer for the Immediate Output portion of this statement type to work. An example of using this type of
statement would be if you want to collect sales invoice data in the TriCoder (to later upload and update your inventory) but want to
also transmit data immediately to the computer to create the actual invoice itself. You would be scanning directly into your invoice
software while saving the same data in the TriCoder to upload later for inventory management.
The Compare statement will compare the data collected in that statement against data collected in a previous statement and take you to a
new statement dependent upon whether the data in the two compared statements matched. The statement to compare to is referenced in
the Data ID field. For example, you could enter data in statement 1, then in statement 2, enter new data. then compare that data to the data
in statement 1. If the data matches, you could move on to statement 3; if it doesn't match, you could have it take you back to statement 1.
An example of an application might be a pharmacy - where you would want to verify that the correct drug is being dispensed into the
correct customer vial. Coding for this statement might look like this:
Stmnt #
Data ID
Min. Len
Max Len.
Scan 1st Item
Scan 2nd Item
Not Equal, Press Enter
According to the example, data scanned in statement 2 is compared to the data scanned in statement 1. If the two items match, the
operator is taken b ack to statement 1 to scan the next item. If the items do not match, the operator is taken to statement 3, where an
voice error message is played and the oper ator is instructed to press the ENTER k ey. Upon pressing t he ENTER key, the operator is
taken back to statement 1 and it starts over.
Even if compared data is wrong, it is still written to the data file for upload, so an audit trail is available to see where er rors occurred.
Printer Output
The TriCoder supports output to the Zebra QLxxx or Cameo portable label printers using the P. Using the LabelVista* software
included with the Zebra printer, design a lab el format, identify the fixed and variable field s and download it to the QLxxx or Cameo
printer via USB using the Hardware Utilities progra m. The printer is capab le of holding several different label file formats, each one
identified by filename.
The P statement is then used to:
a) reference by filename the label format file in the printer, and
b) provide data for the variable fields designated in the label format file. T he P statement is limited to 70 characters and
refer-backs (see page 4-11) can be used.
The P statement for a label using the filename "myfile" with 3 variable fields would look as follows (the (space) indicates an actual
space character):