Entry Type
The first line on the program screen is the ENTRY TYPE prompt. This prompt determines what type of data is entered for this statement. This is the most important prompt as it determines exactly what happens at this step in the program.
< PROGRAM #1 PROMPT 01 | > |
These are the Prompt Statement Entry types available:
| Statement Entry Type | Code used for TriCoder Coding Form |
| Data | D |
| Branch | B |
| Question | Q |
| Date and Time Stamp | S |
| Time Stamp only | T |
| Date Stamp only | Y |
| Xtra | X |
| None | N |
| Data AND Immediate Output | O |
| Compare | C |
| Printer Output | P |
| Arithmetic | A |
| Copy Table Data To Prompt | c |
Details on each Statement Entry Type are as follows: |
Data entry prompts are program statements that prompt the operator to enter data for storage in memory. A typical Data Statement would be prompting the operator for an Item Number or a Quantity. This is the most commonly used statement type.
A program statement used to enter data looks like this:
< PROGRAM #1 PROMPT 01 | > |
The previous example indicates a Statement Entry Type of Data for prompt 01.
A branch statement allows the program to jump to anywhere between 1 and 15 different statements depending on the character entered at the branch prompt. The data entered at a branch statement is not saved to memory; it simply acts as a pointer, directing the program to the appropriate statement. When creating a branch statement, the programmer will only see 3 program statement fields; ENTRY TYPE, PROMPT and STMT TO BRANCH.
The ENTRY TYPE for a branch statement should look like this:
< PROGRAM #1 PROMPT 01 | > |
The next field is the PROMPT field. This field is the prompt text that the user will see when executing the branch statement. This is an example of a PROMPT field for a branch statement:
The final field for a branch statement is the STMT TO BRANCH field. This field tells the program what statements to go to when particular characters are entered. At this point you can enter up to 15 groups of 3 digit codes for a total of 45 characters.
The first character in each 3 digit code is the conditional character; this is the character that determines the branch when entered. The * character is used to mean any character other than the conditional characters already specified.
The next 2 characters in the 3 digit code determine which statement to go to when the conditional character is entered. For example, lets say you wanted the following branches to happen:
Go to statement 18 if an R is keyed/scanned