Table A-9 System Commands (Continued)
Query the | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:ERRor:COUNt? | Returns the number of |
| Yes |
Error Queue |
| errors currently in the error |
for the |
| queue. |
number of |
entries. |
Select Voltage | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate | Select level for Voltage | ?<Level (2– | Yes |
Analog | :APRogram:LEVel[:VOLTage][:ISOLated] | APG. Level can be between | 10)>MAXimumMI |
Programming |
| 2 | Nimum |
Input Voltage |
Input Level/ |
Range |
Select Current | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate | Select level for Current | ?<Level(2– | Yes |
Analog | :APRogram:LEVel:CURRent[:ISOLated] | APG. Level can be between | 10)>MAXimumMI |
Programming |
| 2 | Nimum |
Input Voltage |
Input Level/ |
Range |
Select the | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:COMMunicate | Select the current device to |
| Yes |
address to | [:MCHannel]:ADDRess | receive the commands. The |
communicate |
| parameter for this |
with. |
| command is the address set |
| on the front panel under the |
| remote |
Select | [:]SYSTem:COMMunicate[:SELF]:ADDRess | Select the power supply | ?<Address | Yes |
Address |
| unit to communicate with. |
Setup the | [:]SYSTem[<channel>]:REMote:SOURce | Alter or query the state of | ?LOCalAVOLtag | Yes |
Voltage | [:VOLTage] | the remote programming | eIAVoltageARE |
control APG |
| voltage APG source. | SistiveIAResis |
source |
| tive |
SCPI Command Reference